Originally Posted by Evangelical
I am not accusing anyone, and no I don't believe or say Ohio was claiming that. I was just taking these wrong ideas to their logical conclusions, and stressing the implications of this incorrect view. Demons must know and believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He came in the flesh. Therefore a church of demons would be a true church. There is something more to a church than just a group of people who believe these things.
So then, if you think it is a fair and right to "take someone's views to their logical conclusion" and then ascribe that meaning to what the person said then you must agree that if a church of demons is "on the proper ground" that is, if they call themselves "the church in ______".
I just can't believe you would say that! It is shocking! Since this is what the Local church of Witness Lee does, and it is reasonable to equate certain individuals and their behavior to "demonic" then, oh my! You just equated the Local church to a church of demons!
Please note, this post is simply stressing the incorrect view that you can take something to its logical extreme and then ascribe that meaning to the person who said it.