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Old 10-26-2016, 06:24 AM   #81
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Rev 1.12-13 indicate that the Son of Man is in the midst of all the lampstands, including Laodicea.

Frankly, I don't think there is justification to say any church that confesses Jesus having come in the flesh (I John 4) is not a church. My definition would exclude only JW's and the like. Perhaps I have swung the pendulum too far the other way, but exclusivism will do that to you. Individuals, however, such as heretics and false prophets and teachers, can and should be excluded.

Evangelical and LSM would like us to believe that the actual condition of a church is insignificant, as long as it has the "proper name" and the "proper standing." The proper name, of course, is their franchise label "the church in ______." The proper standing is a "right" relationship with LSM.
So if any church, confesses Jesus having come in the flesh, it is a true church according to you.

So theoretically a church of demons who confess that Jesus came in the flesh (and demons do believe and know that, according to the bible), would be a true church according to you.

And if any number of women confessed to be a man's wife, you would believe those women can all be true wives of the one man. So Jesus is effectively a polygamist, according to you.
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