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Old 10-26-2016, 06:10 AM   #218
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: My Local Church Experience - And My Testimony

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
This kind of argument presumes that the root of any word necessarily dictates any extended word as to what it can mean.

So by your thinking, the word "awesome" must mean that there is "some awe." Not necessarily a lot. Surely not worthy of a "wow!"

This is the kind of overly literal analysis that is at the heart of so much Jr High school humor. Take every word and distill it to other smaller words and see what kind of ridiculousness can be found in it.

And when someone does it to be serous, that is generally proof of either not playing with a full deck or seeking to fool whoever they can with nonsense.
The meaning of the word denominate means a sect of Christianity, and not a genuine church. This is explained on the Catholic encyclopedia. Even Catholics understand the difference between a genuine church and a denomination. Catholics understand that to call a church by another name is to create a sect. That is why they just call themselves the catholic church.
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