Originally Posted by Igzy
Let's face it. The practically word-for-word liftings of Vincent's wrtitings without due credit are without excuse.
Yeah, no, that's just my point.
I disagree with that characterization.
Weak? OK.
Poor scholarship? Surely.
Unfair? I'll buy that.
Hypocritical? Maybe. Probably. You can say yes and I won't disagree.
Without excuse? No, I can't go with that because the purpose of the writings was of a kind where attribution is not commonly required.
Lee's practice of attribution is inconsistent and may serve to give a false impression to readers, intentionally or not.
Still, it's just not the same thing as "plagiarism" because of the way devotional literature is commonly composed.
And with that I'm done on this side as well.
Sing forth the praises of Tomes and his ministry if you care to and I will not contradict further.