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Old 10-25-2016, 06:06 AM   #207
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Default Re: My Local Church Experience - And My Testimony

Originally Posted by DistantStar View Post
You were looking for definitions to fit your presuppositions, hence why you keep on coming with new ones after I showed the flaws in your earlier ones. So I have to wonder, if not for this obscure website, how did you know that a denomination were simply those who denominated themselves? How did you know that? Who taught you that?
I prefer "working" definitions rather than etymological exercises. Remember that linguistics is fluid, and it is the actual use of words by its people that determines meanings. The KJV is a prime example.

Denominations become such and remain such, not because of their name, but because their leaders maintain administrative connections. Cut all those ties, and we are left with individual churches free to call themselves whatever they desire. The denominations determine their names, more than their names determine their denomination, as Evangelical would have us believe.

What really determines a denomination is not a name, but a controlling headquarters. It's called LSM. Take away the Blendeds, and we are left with individual LC's, perhaps even "true" churches.
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