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Old 01-15-2009, 08:51 AM   #8
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Default Re: LSM's Plagiarism - An Initial Inquiry

I think the essential point of Tomes piece is to point out that to some extent LSM has played fast and loose with giving proper credit to the purpose of padding Witness Lee's reputation and weight as a seer of things nobody else had really seen. In LSM's world, those attributions they do supply aren't to show that Lee is beholden to others for insight, but rather as testimony of Lee's clarity.

A classic example is the matter of the so-called sevenfold Spirit in Revelation. I don't recall Lee ever giving credit on this. In fact, he acted as if this was one of his greatest revelations. Yet if you open up the Amplified Bible you will see a footnote attributing the term "sevenfold" to a Catholic theologian of the 12th century.

So, I think Tomes uses the term "plagarism" to sharpen and make vivid his point, which was that LSM has neglected attibutions not out of sloppiness, but rather because they feel Lee kind of owns everything anyway.

Let's face it. The practically word-for-word liftings of Vincent's wrtitings without due credit are without excuse.

Last edited by Cal; 01-15-2009 at 09:18 AM.
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