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Old 10-23-2016, 02:06 PM   #58
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Default Re: What is the New Testament Definition of a Church

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
That's right, excommunication is a function of the church, not a family. Therefore a family cannot be a church. This ties in with the eldership, authority etc. A husband or wife cannot be the "elder" in their church if the church is just their family. Similarly, as someone was claiming them and a sister meeting together are a church. Can they excommunicate each other? Can one of them be an elder? No, so they are not a church.
That's right! What about excommunications? Prerequisite for any LC.

According to LSM's definition of a "true" LC, they must have the power to excommunicate undesirables.

But wait, no LC ever does that. Only LSM excommunicates members of the body! But they won't call it that. No, it's called quarantines.
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