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Old 10-20-2016, 02:35 PM   #187
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Default Re: My Local Church Experience - And My Testimony

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
That would be consistent with the view that what many call "churches" are in fact organizations or denominations and could not be considered a church in the biblical sense.

Actually it's a practice not just of the LC but some evangelical missionary organizations to plant churches in areas where Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches already exist, because they do not recognize these as real churches.
It is actually a practice of most because it takes more than the one planting to make it grow. There must be those who till, who water, etc.

Besides, for all the approaches to "preaching" the gospel, the key to each heart is different. Some hear a man talk of living water and drop their bucket and run off to tell everyone what they have heard. Others come and listen, then leave to think on it. But whenever it happens, some 3 years later they are among those who believe, and in this case take charge of the burial of the Lord.

Knocking on doors is not the end-all of evangelism. Neither is great messages. Neither is lengthy discussions and teaching. For some, it starts with observation of those who are known to have chosen "the way" as it was sometimes called in the early days. That is followed by the realization that there is something to look further into.

All this talk about denominations is just a basis for enforcing division. Denominations are not as divided from each other as those who demand that the fact of denominations simply excludes them from the discussion. They demand absolute unity but seek to find every reason to exclude.

On what basis is any gathering of believers not a church "in the biblical sense" simply because they tend toward a form of doctrinal commonality or have taken overt steps to be something other than haphazard and disorganized. It is clear that the LCM does just that. They meet separately from anyone that they don't completely agree with. Then point the finger at all those others who don't see things their way and agree with them.

Oddly, most of those denominations are less insistent on their doctrines when it comes to the unity of the church as a whole. Unlike some who not only want doctrinal unity on the inside of their group, but also on the outside. They don't demand that you see things their way, even though they think theirs is the better way. But you do. You demand unity on your terms.

Or else. Accept the demeaning and name-calling. And the lawsuits if we suggest there is something unchristian about any of it.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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