Originally Posted by DistantStar
This is interesting. Let me tell you about something. Koinonia was kind enough to share this letter from a local church member (he posted it earlier in this forum).
There is a very interesting quote in it which shows that the local church (or at the very least the author) considers every non LC church as being not a church.
Quote (p.2): The Church in Pretoria began to meet in the mid-1970s as the first church in South Africa.
Think about this. With this one statement he claims that all the missionaries in 400 years failed in establishing a church. With this statement he invalidates all the other churches in South Africa up to that point as true churches.
I do not believe the LC to be a cult, merely a denomination (common faith and organization), but things like these make me wonder.
That would be consistent with the view that what many call "churches" are in fact organizations or denominations and could not be considered a church in the biblical sense.
Actually it's a practice not just of the LC but some evangelical missionary organizations to plant churches in areas where Roman Catholic or Orthodox churches already exist, because they do not recognize these as real churches.