Originally Posted by Ohio
I did voice a little protest (post #5) when you said to "tell the church," was to "publish it abroad and shout from the rooftops." (post #6) I do feel the Lord was saying, "take it public, go to others for help, but keep it in house, preferably by going to some mature brothers, possibly the elders or other wise brothers," as in I Cor 6.5..
I do overstate to make my point, and I see your point, here, as well. Certainly the 'ekklesia' of Matthew 18 and 1 Cor 6 are not mutually exclusive. But I didn't like what seemed to be cavalier dismissal of the Lord's words with, "It's not the church". Context shrinking meaning, and spiritual value, nearly to the vanishing point.
But I protest too much. . I usually do.