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Old 10-15-2016, 09:30 AM   #234
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Default Re: Nigel Tomes - LSM's Unorthodox Satanology

Originally Posted by Exodus16 View Post
Satan doesn't live in our flesh.
I agree with that statement.
New question: is Satan a fallen angel?
and what does fallen mean in this context - is it parallel to fallen man.
Or is Satan a vessel of dishonor; a tool used by God to test and perfect His people.
Does he (Satan) have free will? I have been told that mankind is more complicated than angels due to our free will.
Satan is indeed "fallen" as Isaiah 14.12 states, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Daystar, son of the morning."

Satan also had a free will, as he decided to lift up his heart against God, and a third of the other angels with free-wills followed him. (Isa. 14.13-15, Ezek. 28.12-19)

Satan was the chief archangel, who apparently administrated all of God's creation. When he rebelled, all creation suffered.

Today, he is indeed a tool used by God to test and perfect His people.
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