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Old 10-12-2016, 08:47 PM   #211
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post

That's as logical as saying if we gather together every week to read the bible we are in bible-ism. Or if we gather together for the Lord's table we are in Lord's-table-ism.

That is not a spiritual fact, you don't say too many spiritual facts I have noticed.

The spiritual fact is what Koinonia said:

As a believer, you are in Christ and in the church.

We gather together not to read Lee's messages but to grow in Christ and do the things Christ told us to (remember Him in the Lord's table).

We do not say "I follow Lee" and we do not (or should not) even say "I follow Christ", for that would be divisive.

We are of Christ because we as believers are positionally in Christ and have been baptized in Christ's name.
We gather together not to read Lee's messages but to grow in Christ and do the things Christ told us to (remember Him in the Lord's table)

Really? Every Christian in every denomination says that too! Except for Lee's messages.

It would be good for LC's to be more Bible-ism!
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