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Old 10-11-2016, 04:19 AM   #189
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post

I maintain there is something wrong if you cannot see that a country with majority supporting gay marriage and approved gay marriage is not more like Sodom than not.
I have repeated again, and again and again that I do see that something is wrong. That is why I was baptized. It is like talking to a brick wall. I didn't need to see the recent discussion on gay marriage to know something is wrong. I was around during the height of the AIDS epidemic, I knew something was wrong then.

But I don't merely harp on the fact that the world is judged and condemned, I focus on the good news that Jesus has come that we might be saved and have life.

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Even Billy Graham and other great men have said that. So you claim to have a vision but I think you are rather short sighted not to be able to see that.
Are you deaf? My "vision" is that the world is condemned. The only path to salvation is to believe in Jesus and to be baptized. I have left the world and made a public testimony that it is condemned. How is it that a person who is a Christian does not understand the meaning of baptism?

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
The good news isn't getting very far because you have no way to present it or accomplish it except in 20,000+ different ways with 20,000+ different denominations.
Get behind me Satan. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. No elected official can compare to Jesus.

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
Furthermore if you make a convert and they ask where is the local church you cannot show them except by pointing to one of the 20,000 different denominations.
Furthermore, wherever two or three are gathered together into His name there He is in their midst. There is nothing that a Christian congregation can have that can replace having the presence of Jesus in their midst.

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
I think only when you have accomplished something to the scale and degree that Lee has can you claim to be faithful to the vision of the gospel. Of course there is no way you can do that as an individual yourself, hence my point about not having an effective way to present the gospel. To be effective we need a genuine church and we need to speak the gospel in a clear way and not in many different ways. Just like the early church did it.
The only effective church is one that clings to their first love, following Him even to the cross, and which has overcome the various trials of this life. It is Jesus that makes you effective, nothing else.
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