10-09-2016, 05:14 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 3,965
Re: What is God's Economy?
Originally Posted by Ohio
We have to admit? Sounds like Lee speaking to a captive audience where no one is allowed to respond.
America, as Sodom, has never really produced anything of much spiritual value itself? Are you serious? Are you referring to the American government? Are you referring to all Christians living in America? Are you including Lee, LSM, and the LC's? How about your nation? What spiritual value can you boast in, besides pride?
Everything spiritual that America has, has come from other countries first?According to your logic, a nation of immigrants then must be all spiritually dead. Using your own words then, We have to admit "that every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights." So, according to your logic, if China or England or Sudan chases Christians from their borders sometime in the last 300 years, then we as a nation owe them our spiritual heritage?
The only denominations that American can truly claim to be its own is Mormonism, Jehovah Witness plus many other aberrant? I know many precious believers at the local Church of Christ, so they must be "aberrant?" Christian Missionary Alliance?
Your narrow-minded and bigoted disgust for all things "American" is continually in plain view, yet you hide behind your keyboard in some secret location. Who made you the faceless judge of all things Christian?
The fact that you all flocked to the teaching of a man from China (Witness Lee) rather than a home grown American preacher, proves my point. I am not trying to pick on America, but the topic is, Witness Lee saying America is Sodom. This is not to the exclusion of many other countries that are also Sodom. Witness Lee also mentioned Sweden and others. In fact the whole world will likely become Sodom before Christ returns.