Originally Posted by Evangelical
It is not a matter of judgement ZNPaaneah it is just a matter of fact- Christianity came to America from Europe and so did the Lord's Recovery. Abraham, signifying a spiritual person, came to Sodom from outside of Sodom.
That is ridiculous. When you say "We have to admit that America, as Sodom, has never really produced anything of much spiritual value itself." That is a judgement. There is no "fact". How could you possibly know everything that has ever been produced by 500 million people or more over the last 200+ years. Only God could know that and only God could make that judgement.
Not only so, but when you do look at what was produced and say it doesn't have "much spiritual value" that is a value judgement. Once again, who made you God to make such a judgement.
Originally Posted by Evangelical
You are justifying and rationalizing the sins of America by pointing to the sins of other countries. Well actually many countries are now Sodom and the whole world may degrade to such before Christ comes back.
Sorry, I missed the post where I justified the sins of America. Please point me to that post of mine or else apologize.