Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
I have to admit that I have been commissioned to preach the gospel.
The good news is that there is salvation from God's judgement to those who receive Jesus Christ.
I have to admit that "rampant fornication" was every bit as bad, if not worse in Taiwan when I went there for the FTTT.
I have to admit that the sins I read about in the Middle East and Afghanistan are, to my mind more grievous.
I have admitted that God's judgement is on the world, I did that when I was baptized.
I do not have to admit that the US has not produced anything of spiritual value, I can leave that judgement to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I do not have to admit that everything spiritual has come from other countries. Again, I am not the judge, I will leave matters of judgement to the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is not a matter of judgement ZNPaaneah it is just a matter of fact- Christianity came to America from Europe and so did the Lord's Recovery. Abraham, signifying a spiritual person, came to Sodom from outside of Sodom.
You are justifying and rationalizing the sins of America by pointing to the sins of other countries. Well actually many countries are now Sodom and the whole world may degrade to such before Christ comes back.