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Old 01-08-2009, 05:57 PM   #52
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Default Re: Andrew Yu and Chris Wilde interviewed by Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraa

Originally Posted by Hope View Post
You introduced me to a new label with the GLA label of going into the world. I did need to earn a living! I had three children who wanted to attend college. Times were tough and I did need to work a lot to make ends meet. But I never asked anyone for money while I was in the lc or after I left the LSM/LC. Working for a living? Maybe that means I was worldly?

I wonder where your elder got his information. Was it just his imagination? Did he add up 2 and 2 and get 17? If you picked up some irritation in my earlier post, you got it right. I get very riled by rumor mongering and gossip. We Christians need to be straightforward and let our yes be yes and our no be no. And yes, political moves are disgusting and pure flesh. What we try to hide will eventually be shouted from the housetop.
Brother Hope, I understand your irritation, but the event was as simple as this: One day I inquired of our elder, "what ever happened to Hope?" he replied something like, "I heard he moved to NC and got swallowed up selling NSA." He was just repeating what he had heard, in Cleveland I presume. I guess this occurred some 10-15 years ago.

I understand it is now more "honorable" to be called "leader of the rebellion" in the SE.

Sounds like 2+2 equals 282.

Imagine what they have said about me. The GLA rumor mill can be just as nasty as the LSM machinery.
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