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Old 01-07-2009, 05:56 PM   #45
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Andrew Yu and Chris Wilde interviewed by Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraa

Originally Posted by Hope View Post
Rather, I have been accused of “leading the rebellion in the Southeast.” Is it not strange, how just recognizing sin as sin and division as division and the usurping of the Headship of Christ can get you such a reputation. Until my involvement on the forums, I kept a very low profile. But any associated with me also gets you the automatic heave ho. So I suppose you could say it is all my fault. I have caused dear ones in the LSM/LC to give an institutional reaction to saints with whom I fellowship.
How was it you were accused of "leading the rebellion in the Southeast"? Just because you did not want to go along with what was happening across the recovery?
My view of you for years had been a leading brother who wasn't named as one of the quarantined brothers, and since you could not go long with it, the Lord led you out of the recovery. As had been the case with other brothers. Personally, I'd rather have you speaking than to remain silent.

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