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Old 01-07-2009, 12:29 PM   #130
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Re: Ohio tragedy, oh the pain!!!


I just heard a rumor. I heard that OSU lost their third straight BCS bowl game and it was to the hated Texas Longhorns. I hope this rumor is just that. Can you confirm?

By the way a year or so ago I heard an interview with the quarterback of the hated Texas Longhorns, Colt McCoy. Seems when he was in the 11th grade, his family was on vacation. They had rented a cottage on a lake. Around 11 P M they heard screams from across the lake. A woman was drowning. Colt leaped into the lake. Swam across the lake and rescued the woman. When the interviewer declared that Colt was quite the hero, he just dropped his head and replied in his West Texas drawl, au shucks, you would have done the same thing.

Hope, Don Rutledge
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