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Old 08-30-2016, 04:40 PM   #31
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Default Re: What is God's Economy?

Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
An argument for the validity of a teaching cannot be based upon what other groups believe. I do not buy such an argument for even a second.
"other groups" are largely responsible for why we are Christians today and what we believe, yes even Catholicism. Yet it is not Catholicism per se from which the teaching about become gods comes, but the man Athanasius. He played a role in the formation of the New Testament canon, namely being the first to rightly identify the New Testament canon. In other words, the New Testament canon you hold dear today is in part due to the man who spoke about "man becoming god". "man becoming god" may not be explicitly found in scripture, but it is not heresy either.
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