Re: Andrew Yu and Chris Wilde interviewed by Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraa
In the programs CW said he felt the Local Churches has much to learn from the rest of the Body. Andrew was not so absolute in his endorsement of that statement. At any rate, does the Living Stream Church reeeealllly feel that they can learn something from the rest of Christianity? Or, is this just another dishonest statement?
They say they are willing to fellowship with all other Christians, as long as they agree on essentials. Are they really willing to learn from other Christians and have open fellowship with them? Or, do they just want an opportunity to bring other Christians unto themselves? Are they just looking for another opportunity to prove to the rest of Christianity that they are "God's best," and that they "have all the riches?"
Based on their past history and proclamations, I would definitely say the latter. Can any of you imagine people from the Living Stream Church going to a church service in denominational, or even non-denominational, Christianity, and being truly open to learn something? Can they go among a people they formerly called “Poor, poor fallen Christianity,” and “Babylon,” and be open to learn something?
Can you imagine any of them standing in a crowd of charismatic Christians, swaying to the music and speaking in tongues, while they keep their “prayreading” and “calling on the Lord” tucked safely away in their pockets and purses?
Try to imagine a young graduate of the LSM seminary (FTT) sitting humbly, quietly beside a traditional seminary professor, being tutored in theology.
Does anybody really believe that LSM is open to learning anything from the rest of the Body of Christ? If so, I’ve got some nice beachfront property that I’d like to sell you, in the middle of West Texas.