Re: How Much To Throw Out?
My take is don't think about what to throw away, think about what to start with. The list is short. Add anything if God leads, but he probably won't.
The Faith -- Keep it. God, Christ, the Spirit, salvation by faith in the work of Christ, the resurrected Christ as Lord who will return to judge and restore the earth.
The First commandment -- Love God first and completely.
The Second commandment -- Love others as you love yourself.
The Bible -- Read it, obey it.
Prayer -- Do it.
The Church -- Have relationships with other Christians. Meet regularly with a group that is seeking God.
Mission -- Live for God to spread his kingdom. This is done through words, but mostly deeds--serving others for his sake. Be sacrificial for others with your time and resources.
Practice the presence of God -- Seek a closer, more dependent, trusting and adoring relationship with God.
It's not complicated, and if you think it is you need to throw more out.