Re: How Much To Throw Out?
I'm throwing out the notion that the ministry of WL (as interpreted by the blendeds) and/or the feeling of the body (as interpreted by the blendeds) should govern my behavior rather than the feeling of my conscience and the real word of God in the bible. To me the ministry of WL is extra-biblical because it goes way beyond what scripture says in some areas, and ignores or denigrates some direct teachings of our Lord and the Apostles, and even relegates some books of the bible as not being the Word of God even though they may be inspired. I don't think the teaching of the feeling of the body as promulgated by WL and now the blendeds was taught by our Lord or the Apostles. To me it's a subjective, extra-biblical, pseudo-spiritual practice designed to control and deceive the saints by causing them to ignore their consciences. Escaping this subtle demonic mind control is exceedingly and painfully difficult, at least it was for me. Anything that directs the saints away from Christ and His touching of our conscience via the bible should be considered satanic, in my opinion.
Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.