Here's a link to David Canfield's site.
Notice the schematic. He assumes a trinity. He doesn't state it but includes it as a foundational aspect of his schematic. The Triune God, become flesh, crucified, resurrected, ascended, and so forth. Not really wrong per se, but I could make my own schematic from my thought-worlds, based (I hope) on scripture. And that might include, importantly to me, the seven angels who stand before God. (or whatever). Because in this personalized schematic, I see the Jordan River dry up, per Psalm 114, and my own "open door to the proverbial Good Land" (perhaps) following that bare river-bed. Man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Not merely those which fit our schematics. In the text, the Earth trembles before the "Paw-neem" of God. Or whatever.
So why am I critiquing the Canfield thought-world, or Igzy's, or the Standard Model? Because today the gospel has typically been rendered as such minimal, logical schematics, which don't knock people down off of their high horses. It instead becomes our own high horse, our own thought-cage. And I don't like that. I want to re-create the mystery of discovery, while yet within bounds of what we call 'scripture'. So I look, turn, puzzle, and ponder. As I said earlier, I think it's interesting, is all.