Originally Posted by OBW
It was not clear where you were going with that last post. I will start by saying that everything you said it true.
But I am not sure how it interacts with what I was saying.
. . . We probably are not at odds here. I just couldn't tell what it was about my post that lead to this one.
The mention of the mechanism of the Jordan River standing still led to my highly subjective riff on how the writers and speakers in the NT, or Second Temple Era, might have understood this kind of thing. If at all.
Of course we don't know, besides what we have on paper. We know it says, to love one another, forgive one another, receive one another in Jesus' name, etc. But the invisible world behind the loving and forgiving and receiving isn't laid out in the kind of systematic detail most of us would prefer. And running too far afield with that doesn't promise blessing at all, but distraction and error.
I know. Yet I like thinking about such things.
For some reason the NT doesn't talk much at all about the Trinity. I can think of maybe 2 verses that present some kind of trinitarian construct. Dozens which don't lean towards trinitarian constructs, but should if it were so conceptually foundational. Were it so then one presumes it would have been made explicit.
Instead, I see fascinating glimpses into the ideational world of the spirit. "I also have servants under me .. .. ... You just speak a word and my servant will be healed". Where did the centurion get such a view?
Impossible to reconstruct, I know. No verses cited; nothing supporting, merely an event, duly recorded. It looks like a purely logical statement. "I also am a man under authority..." If the Trinity is void of explicit support, this "spooky action from a distance" (as always, thx to Al Einstein for that) more so. But I just like thinking about such things.
Surely the centurion had a thought-world behind his statements. And Jesus complied fully with it. But beyond that, really, we cannot claim to have laid hold. I just think it's interesting, is all.