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Old 07-23-2016, 12:39 PM   #847
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Default Re: Your testimony

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Gradation is an accurate descriptor. I believe that most Christians can relate to this gradation in their experience of Christ pre and post regeneration. After receiving God's life I became aware of many things by the sense of life within me that were displeasing to God. Unrighteous, immoral, unclean, old ways of living things that required clearing up. Later the Lord blessed me with an Acts 2 experience that heightened my awareness of the Lord's presence and leading.

When the Lord brought me to the ministry of watchman nee and witness lee this gradation in my experience of Christ accelerated in multiples. I felt as if my christian experience entered the small end of a funnel. Every week brought new insight and revelations about God, His purpose and plan, the church, the enemy, the world, the meaning of life, and His dealings with me in an ever widening variety of touched and untouched areas through the enlightenment of His Word and the precious grace upon grace I received from the sharing of dear brothers and sisters also on a similar journey.


You also asked about fruit. On the personal level, this is hard to judge. Looking back I believe the Lord has knocked off the sharpest edges, sanded down rough patches, polished some areas, but then a bad week comes along and I wonder if He is wasting His time with me. Still He is there to pick me up, dust me off, reassure Me, and tells me to keep going. Ultimately He decides the worth of fruit of every believer. Regarding believers outside of the Lord's Recovery I delight to converse, exchange experiences, and on occasion have the opportunity to meet in their homes or meeting places and they in mine. To the unbeliever I will by His guidance tell them about this wonderful Person.
Thank you for giving us your testimony of Christ being life in you, and through you, in the church life and toward others. Praise the Lord!

Hope you will stay and have more fellowship with us.
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