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Old 07-20-2016, 07:25 AM   #831
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

Experiences of Christ were more frequent, more real, and varied when I came into contact with the ministry of witness lee and watchman nee. My understanding of the Bible was greatly enhanced because Old and New Testaments were presented and understood holistically. The care and encouragement from the brothers and sisters in that ministry created a multiplier effect (grace upon grace) of experience and enlightenment under the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit. It was as if the Lord had allowed me to search in many places (fundamentalism, free groups, pentecostalism) and when the time was right brought me into an abundant good land. Therefore, Igzy, I knew my journey found its destination and I was compelled by the Lord to stay in this place, at this time, and with these people.

I'm not sure why you address me directly here, but I assume it is because of what I said about the commonality of LCMers being their culture, rather than Christ.

Let me clarify. I did not mean to say that LCMers do not have Christ in common, I said that the bond that binds them together is not Christ, but rather LCM culture. For if it were Christ, they would have no problem freely having fellowship with Christians not in the LCM. In fact, they would actively seek this fellowship. But they do not. The isolationism of the LCM exposes a deep issue.

God and Christ are bigger than the LCM. They are bigger than "the Recovery." They are bigger than Witness Lee and Watchman Nee. They are bigger than any group, movement or denomination. None of us have a monopoly on Him. I'm not sure how long you've been in the LCM, but your response seems to indicate you've come to believe the myth that the LCM is so good that you don't even need the rest of the Body of Christ. This is a severe deception, contrary to the truth of God revealed in his word (1 Cor 12:20-25). The LCM does not honor the members it thinks are weaker. This is a direct violation of the word.

As long as the LCM continues to avoid contact with the majority of the Body of Christ, and maintains the attitude that they are somehow superior to the rest of the Body to the point of brushing them aside and discounting them, they are simply not producing the fruit the genuine experience of Christ should produce. There is something fundamentally wrong. So one must naturally conclude that their oneness is not Christ, but Witness Lee and Local Church culture.

This is something you should seriously consider. But you will probably resist doing so. Now, why would you tend to resist in this way? I would say most likely because of the pressure of your culture to do so, rather than any pressure or leading from God. Please ponder that.

I would never say God did not lead you to the LCM. But I would say that as long as you silently ignore the severe issues in the movement and pretend they do not exist, it's possible you are not doing what he led you there to do.

Thanks for posting.
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