Originally Posted by aron
The "go in peace" here reminds me of "be warmed and filled" of James 2:14: both phrases seem benign and innocuous, yet they conceal a spiritual virus..
I had to chuckle at this one, but pointed indeed. (
Btw, James 2.16)
Originally Posted by aron
But this "one church" was a trojan horse for the "one ministry of the age."
Say it isn't so!
How unfortunate that the
repeated facts of history support this!
Originally Posted by aron
If you look at Paul's epistle to the Corinthians, including 9:2, where does he claim the one ministry of the age? He says he is "an" apostle, not "the" apostle. In fact he derides the supposedly super-apostles.
Excellent points, which none of us loyal to the movement ever considered.
Originally Posted by aron
In the Local Church, many gave years and even decades to build up the church but were eventually given two options: Either you're with us and our abject subjection to centralized leadership, or you're out. Go in peace, i.e. go away quietly. Thanks for all your help, now beat it.
This was exactly my case in 2005. I had given 30 of my best years to the Recovery, thru good times and bad, and two migrations. But we were all given the choice to
"stand for the truth" with the Blendeds, or
"stand for the truth" with Titus Chu.
Some were then more upset with me for posting on the forum than for leaving. For years we were instructed, "if you leave, leave as a gentleman," which means keep your mouth shut and disappear. I decided to
"stand for the truth" and report to others how we had gone off course, like the exclusive Brethren before us.