Originally Posted by OBW
As for what is the right way to live, it seems that there is less directly written on the specifics and therefore the need for some consideration beyond some kind of "it is written" analysis. And that is where most of us really need leading. Whether from some kind of sense, or from others who have gone before. Of course, a good framework or yardstick is always helpful. But it doesn't cover everything.
For me the answer, if there is one, has been to try to do everything out of love. Love means seeking the genuine good of others even if doing so requires sacrifice on our part. When considering these issues the Bible isn't clear about and even in attempting to apply the ones it is clear about, I am learning to ask myself "Is love my motive?" and to not be satisfied until the answer is yes.
Love is the ultimate fine tuner both of what we do and how we do it.
I'm thinking of
Brother Lawrence and how his goal in life was to do everything for the love of God. He was nobody, just another obscure monk in a monastery. Yet five hundred years later he is still remembered. That tells me something.