Originally Posted by Igzy
My point was simply that mentally knowing the Scriptures is not enough because without the leading of the Holy Spirit we cannot really know them. Obviously God knows exactly what each verse means and what the whole means. But none of us do, not completely anyway. So there is disagreement. Two people might each think they know the Scriptures, but what if they disagree? At least one of them has to be wrong.
My point was some people equate "knowing the Scriptures" with knowing God, or knowing truth. But if your interpretation is wrong that can't be true. The question is, whose interpretation is correct?
Ultimately we each have to be "fully persuaded in our own minds." That's really the best we can do.
When you think about it, this is the only way it could be. If we really believed the Scriptures were so cut and dried that total agreement on them by everyone was possible there would be no personal freedom in the Church, toeing the line would be expected. This, in fact, is the LCM error. They think they have the Bible so figured out that any disagreement with them is evidence of error or worse.
As for "some questions you don't need to ask." That sound eerily like "get out of your mind."
"Some" questions. Not ALL questions.
Exactly. Man is the problem. Not the Scriptures.