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Old 06-22-2016, 07:38 AM   #785
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
That is probably a good way to describe it.

For me the real question comes down to what kind of "sense of life" should we rely on that is not the guidance of God himself (however it is that he does it)? I mean, if I am getting some kind of sense that is not from God, then what is it really? Probably either some kind of emotion, or me thinking that I've figured something out on my own without the need of God's input.

I guess that seems a lot like me deciding what is good and evil without God's input via the Spirit or the word.

I know you know this, but this is my take on the topic. We walk by faith. By faith, we always have God's input whether we hear it or not. Good and evil are defined in the Word. The more time we spend reading the Word, the more often we may receive a "timely word" to confirm what direction it seems the Lord is leading. Actually that could be confirm or deny. Our goal is to listen to the voice of our Shepherd..."my sheep hear my voice and they follow me." Is that a "sense"? Not to me.

Many times I have prayed something like "Lord, I WANT to do this...I think it's you, but I'm not sure. Please slow me down or stop me if I'm wrong. I want you more than I want "this". I messed up plenty. That was as helpful as getting it right. I learned that walking by faith involved "trust and obey". When I messed up, I repented. Asked for forgiveness and continued to walk.

I've been having this conversation with Him for my entire life. My entire "walk". I got saved when I was a very young child. I don't remember a time that He wasn't real to me. I didn't always recognize that it was Him, but in hindsight, I recognize his hand in my life.

How many times has the LC "sense of life" teaching provided options on a direction for your walk or encouraged you to seek the Lord's guidance ahead of theirs? You are TOLD where to go, what to do, when to do it, what to read, what to think, and NEVER to ask questions. And THIS gives you the LC "sense of life". You march, in step, OR ELSE.

It may sound like semantics, but I know what I mean! :-) Sorry I can't pass it on better. Bottom line I guess is that Jesus didn't say his sheep would "sense life". He said his sheep "hear his voice", and to me that means WORDS. I've never heard an audible but I've heard words in my heart, my soul, my mind.

Sorry --
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