Originally Posted by Freedom
Despite what the two trees 'analogy' seemingly implies, the Bible doesn't tell us to ignore good and evil. Quite to the contrary it tells us that we should discern and reject evil.
Freedom, you are absolutely right about
discernment being distorted in the Recovery for self-serving motives. Their teachings about "not caring for right and wrong" only cover up unrighteousness by their leaders. It's no wonder at all that Phillip Lee's favorite saying was, "
we don't care for right and wrong, we only care for life."
First of all, God's throne is established upon righteousness. Secondly, we were created in the image of God, with a conscience within to correspond with His righteousness. The most important thing in a Christian's living is, as Paul told us, a "conscience void of offense."
The Apostle Paul says we should "
exercise ourself unto godliness," which clearly indicates a strong conscience discerning good from evil. A "strong spirit" is not a loud voice quoting banners in a training, but a conscience exercised to discriminate between both good and evil.
Due LC abhorrence of right and wrong, all manner of evil has found an open door into their program. LSM under Philip Lee became a cesspool of corruption. The Blendeds under BP rose to power by covering over and hiding Philip's corruption and his father's deceits.
One of my chief complaints about my LC and the GLA leadership was that we just did not know how to treat one another. Brotherly love was replaced by loyalty to headquarters. That was just one symptom of a system neglecting good and evil.