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Old 06-10-2016, 08:13 PM   #748
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
If I was going to honor a man it would be Paul, John, Peter, or Timothy. Why would anyone honor a man that swindled fellow Christians out of their money to build motor homes. Why do the so-called blended brothers follow a man rather than Christ?
There are BLENDEDS and then there are blendeds. Most of the blendeds do not understand what the BLENDEDS did during the past criminal coverups. These blendeds, along with the local leaders and the saints, don't have a clue what the BLENDEDS have done over the years during those so-called "storms," which were never really "storms" or rebellions, but men of God speaking their conscience against the evils perpetrated by Witness Lee, his sons Timothy and Phillip, and the BLENDEDS.
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