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Old 05-09-2016, 09:13 AM   #723
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
I agree, Nell. Faith is simple. Just trust. Work is simple. Just obey. Honor God, serve others. Live out his love to someone who needs it. We meet them every day.

The impulse to "figure everything out" is increased when you have the mindset that the truth of the Bible is hidden behind what the words apparently say. I''m not saying there are not messages in the prophecies and types of the Bible. I'm just saying that to think that the apparent message is not the real message because there is another hidden message is a mistake that leads down the rabbit hole the LC lives in.
So true about the LC.

We were trained to believe that the real message was the "low" gospel, and the apparent message was what everyone else missed, and Lee called it the "high" gospel of God's economy.
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