Originally Posted by JJ
OK, I see with your explanation and link what you are talking about. Too bad the video quality is poor. In spite of that, I enjoyed Revelation Song/Holy, Holy, Holy and the slow version of Beautiful One. Thanks for sharing!
Regarding the doxology, I always thought it was weird to sing the words "Holy Ghost".. Sounds scary. I understand that's the translation they had in the 1600's. Perhaps this could use some musicianship to update it to something we can relate to better.
The videos were not really important. If you notice, the band is not making a show. The recording is simply being made from a camera and a microphone in the sound booth area (not directly off the sound board) and there is clearly something in the lighting that is not picked-up right by the camera.
As for the older wording, such as ghost v spirit, I often agree. But once you start, where do you stop? Get rid of every "thee," "thou," "art," etc. at the cost of the rhyming? Again, I think that sometimes it works well. And sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes you cause people to be lost in paying attention to which word to use rather than the meaning of the song.
I know that is the reason that some of the modern versions have completely different tunes. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Yet younger ones often like the newer versions simply because they are newer. As if that is the reason something is good. Same goes for liking the old hymns just because that is the way Paul and Silas did it. (Like when people jokingly say that KJV was good enough for Paul and Silas . . . .).