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Old 05-08-2016, 12:14 PM   #721
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
After twenty-something years being in The Lord's Recovery (TLR) I think I'm on my way out, but don't know how much to leave behind. TLR helped revive and restore my love of The Lord that I first had at my conversion. It did this by bringing my attention back to Christ and Him alone. I hope my restored love is genuine and not some type of fakery. I will also miss what we call The Lord's Table Meeting (TLTM) where I could express and pour out my love to Him by singing and prayers. For those of you who have left TLR how were you able to continue this type of corporate worship? Also, for those of you who had the same experience of recovering your first love for The Lord do you feel it was genuine and how did you continue to cultivate this after leaving TLR?
I am always curious about the original post and the direction/s it takes after several hundred posts. I decided to bring this one to the top with my take on "How much to Throw Out".

When I left, I kept my Bible and threw out everything else. This really helped me. I had already proven myself not to be trusted to make decisions on the choices I had made up to that point. The only really good decision I had made was to just "walk away"; I also prayed "Lord don't let go of me, and please don't make me go back to that place."

I didn't read my bible for several years which I think was a good thing. I was in effect "de-toxed" .

I think Christians often take on too much responsibility for "figuring things out" when that's what got us in trouble in the first place. I now believe we can safely walk away from just about anything as long as we trust in the Lord to restore what He will to our lives. For example, we don't need to "find a church". Follow Him and He will lead you wherever He will. We somehow get this idea of what "church" is or what church "should be" then try to make it happen. He will build His church, we just need to get out of the way.

I think we could be lost on a deserted island with nothing -- but still be in the perfect will of God. There's not much to figure out there...just talk to Him, and thank Him for not letting go. I think that's called walking by "Faith" :-)

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