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Old 05-04-2016, 11:38 AM   #102
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Default Re: Favorite hymns of mine

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Thanks for sharing OBW. I found the song you mentioned on You Tube, and it's wonderful! Strains from Great is Thy Faithfullness begin it, and are imbedded at one point. Are you suggesting a choir blend of that or How Great Thou Art?
I don't have reference to the Sara Groves song at the moment, but I recall both the intro's "hints" and the interlude a little. I think the Groves song has three verses. In any case, my initial thought was to insert the first verse of "Great is Thy Faithfulness" before the last verse of Grove's song, but right after "thy compassions, they fail not" end the verse with "He's always been faithful to me," then go on to the last verse and repeat the last line as follows:

He's always been faithful . . .
Great is thy faithfulness . . .
He's always been faithful to me

It's just a sketch in my mind. The ending is intended to juxtapose the softening and contemplative ending of the new song with the somewhat oratorical effect of the line from the original. Our contrition and awe set up against the majesty of God.

If I really wanted to do something with it, I would probably work with a true musician who would have additional suggestions (or tell me it just doesn't work). And give it a sufficient score to set out the parts and a rough piano accompaniment.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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