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Old 04-27-2016, 07:17 PM   #712
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Paul says when one member suffers all suffer. When one member is glorified, all glory. That's called empathy and compassion (and the feeling of the body in my accounting). I didn't see much of that happening in LC in recent years.
Let me give one example. At an international conference, a brother who had been in the recovery in the US for many years stood outside the venue with signs in Chinese obviously angry at recovery leadership. No one would talk to him. Troubled, I stopped to talk to him. He said he was trying to get information about his daughter. She had been married to a Taiwanese brother in a marriage arranged by a leading one in Taiwan. And, he hadn't heard from her in over 6 months. All of his attempts to get information had been rebuffed. This broke my heart.

I went into the conference and listened to RK talk about "having a feeling for the body". But it had no relation to compassion or empathy. That made my blood boil.
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