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Old 04-20-2016, 11:47 AM   #703
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
When Lee first introduced the saying that we "Christians should not be obsessed with right and wrong," the context was petty differences that could overly occupy certain immature believers, and a call to deny yourself such nonsense. It was reasonable fellowship, which could be made by any of a million pastors on Sunday morning.

Lee, however, had a way about changing things over time. Eventually the same banner got waved over matters of grave consequence and oftentimes criminal activity, and the unsuspecting masses still have in mind petty matters of little consequence. I used to give Lee every benefit of the doubt, thinking him to be genuinely sincere and well-meaning. The facts of history no longer support that.
There was good reason for that. Not to focus on "the foxes ruining the vineyards". If we were to focus on "the foxes ruining the vineyards" we would have been looking at Lee and sons.
I'm sure the blendeds follow the same tradition when it comes to right and wrong. They don't want to be placed under the microscope. Just speak positively.
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