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Old 04-19-2016, 06:53 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by aron View Post
Lee said, "Who among you have I controlled?" But the reality was, if Lee publicly criticized something even so small as who you sat with, you were marked out.

This is actually an insidious type of control. Once the Maximum Leader gives even subtle cues that you're not in favor, invisible wheels start to turn and the system grinds you to dust.
Even though they held a Kangaroo Court in Whistler, you got to at least give the Blendeds a little credit when they quarantined Titus Chu. At least they attempted to gather witnesses together.

Lee and Chu, however, always acted unilaterally in their public shamings, humiliations, and disciplines. We had a poster here recently who was thus expelled by TC in a meeting I was once at. There was no reason or information provided, and I doubt if TC considered he even had the need to provide it.
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