Today's "Listen Up" is another great one.

Thanks, Unto Him!
We praise thee o God for the son of thy love - words by Willam P. Mackay, 1863
We praise Thee, O God!
For the Son of Thy love,
For Jesus Who died,
And is now gone above.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.
We praise Thee, O God!
For Thy Spirit of light,
Who hath shown us our Savior,
And scattered our night.
All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain,
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain.
All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast brought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.
Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.
Contemporary version on Youtube
Willie Nelson (yes Willie Nelson) sings it as “Revive Us Again"
Sorry to dominate this thread y'all. My love for good hymns has built up for years, so I love this space as an outlet.
I keep hoping others will share more.