Thank you so much for your responses everyone.
Thank you Aron, I will go read into "the expelled brothers". I will also go search for that brethren discussion board
Yes, the LC tend to emphasize how great Darby was and that one of the spiritual giants whom Witness Lee stands on the shoulders of is this guy. So I want to do some more research on him.
As for the recovery version - I believe that Witness Lee wrote this bible according to "his vision of God and the Church". For example, he takes out the word "adopted" in Ephesians 1:5 "Adopted into sonship" and some other places in the bible, in order for the concept of "God's economy" and "God men" to make more sense.. Sorry if I'm repeating some of the things you all have already gone over. As I've said before, if there is a discussion board that covers this,Thank you Aron, I will go read into "the expelled brothers". I will also go search for that brethren discussion board
Yes, the LC tend to emphasize how great Darby was and that one of the spiritual giants whom Witness Lee stands on the shoulders of is this guy. So I want to do some more research on him.
As for the recovery version - I believe that Witness Lee wrote this bible according to "his vision of God and the Church". For example, he takes out the word "adopted" in Ephesians 1:5 "Adopted into sonship" and some other places in the bible, in order for the concept of "God's economy" and "God men" to make more sense.. Sorry if I'm repeating some of the things you all have already gone over. As I've said before, if there is a discussion board that covers this,please let me know!
I also agree with Aron that the LC doesn't do much "good works", such as going out and helping the poor as opposed to other churches. The LC seem to think that gaining more knowledge and calling on the name of the Lord is enough. Of course, they are good to their own members though.. They treat their own members very well, but hardly interact with Christians outside because they still hold a view that they are superior. (I'm sure there are exceptions) I hear that they still rant and put down other Christians at their conferences/FTT/ fellowships. I've never heard this in any other churches. Why take up precious time to get into God's word by criticizing other Christians? It's just the culture there I suppose, but it definitely makes me question the fruits in which they potentially produce... Not to say that everyone is this way of course. But leading ones openly condemning other Christians during a bible conference? Ok, I'll stop now. Anyways, every church has its flaws so I wouldn't spend too much time on this.
As for "All Inclusive Christ", from my humble perspective, I think that the phrase is as meaningful as "All Inclusive Man". "All Inclusive Man" meaning a man with a body, soul and spirit, as well as a mind of his own and organs. Do you know what I mean? Everything WL says about "All Inclusive Christ" has been said by many before him. It's just that WL put a term to it..The phrase was created to make WL sound like he's onto something new, that he has a clearer vision towards God, the Bible and the Church. But in fact, the term simply means "Christ". God basically says in Exodus 3:13-15 "I am who I am.. " Using terms like "All Inclusive Christ" (to me) is like trying to make your mark on a master piece. You think that by painting another dot onto the Mona Lisa, you'll make it look better. Anyways, if I am wrong, please correct me. I am only here to learn and try to understand.