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Old 03-01-2016, 07:28 PM   #2
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Default Re: Theological Questions, please help (Darby, "na ling", God man)

Originally Posted by ByHisGrace View Post
3. I found out that Darby's translation of the bible is similar to the RcV. Do you know the credibility of the Darby Bible?
Both the Darby translation and the RecVersion are good translations. Darby is late 19th century British English, so some grammar and semantics are more difficult for the modern reader, but both are great improvements over the King James Version.

I personally no longer use the RecVersion in public, rather only at home. I still use my RecVers Bibles (70's Ingalls and 90's Robichaux editions) because of familiarity. With other Christians I use the New KJV, the NIV, the NLT, or whatever version I like that day on my IPad. When other Christians saw my "Recovery" version, they thought I was in drug and alcohol rehab.
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