Originally Posted by ABrotherinFaith
This was an interesting meeting to say the least...the ground of the Church, (oneness based on locality ) is more important than the Church's condition. I've never heard so many amens to things like we don't have a name and those who don't meet according to this are in division. ..I almost left. ..
It's a contradiction to say "those who don't meet according to this are in division". The ground of the church as local churches currently practice is based on a ministry and not oneness based on locality.
Not only that, how can you say "the church in _____" is not a name. How many times have a seen Facebook posts of a brother visiting different churches with a pose next to the localities meeting hall which clearly displays there is a name.
On the phrase "oneness based on locality", one is more likely to find that in a community church than in a local church