Originally Posted by Ohio
One time on this forum, a testimony was posted concerning an LC brother who would not help his sick wife do the dishes because he "didn't want to do it out of his natural man." I could not believe it. It was at that point I realized just how sick some of Lee's teachings were. It helped to explain why so many marriages in the LC had failed. Lee's teaching that interprets "honey as natural affection that destroys the offering" is frankly pathetic.
Yes, I tend to see it as the Asian culture being applied through spiritual speak. Refusing to help out because of the natural man disclaimer. Non-LSM/LC brothers I know speak as I do that in marriage. submission is mutual. Sometimes the wife submits and sometimes the husband submits.
Practically, a brother will make a mountain out of a molehill if he refuses to help out with housework with whatever excuses he uses.
If a brother wants to be a living sacrifice for his wife, he will do what is needed.