Thread: My Testimony
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Old 01-03-2016, 01:22 PM   #48
New Beginnings
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 56
Default Re: My Testimony

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
One time on this forum, a testimony was posted concerning an LC brother who would not help his sick wife do the dishes because he "didn't want to do it out of his natural man." I could not believe it. It was at that point I realized just how sick some of Lee's teachings were. It helped to explain why so many marriages in the LC had failed. Lee's teaching that interprets "honey as natural affection that destroys the offering" is frankly pathetic.
Unfortunately, this was my experience as well.

I apologize if this is too personal. But I thought some of our readers ought to hear this story to know that things like this really do happen inside the LC.

Just four weeks after giving birth to my sweet baby girl, I became very ill. I had viral meningitis, although I did not know it at the time. For weeks, I struggled to care for my newborn and my two year old boy. I never slept, I couldn’t eat, and I spiked high fevers regularly. My husband did little to nothing for me. He showed very little concern for me. During this time, he even went out with the work-guys and came home completely drunk and I had to care for him.
If it weren’t for my mother coming and taking me to the hospital, I may not be here writing today.
I was hospitalized for five days.

Anyways, things like this really do happen inside the LC.
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