Thread: My Testimony
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Old 01-02-2016, 10:05 AM   #36
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Default Re: My Testimony

Originally Posted by New Beginnings View Post
I have always believed in an omniscient God. He knows all things and plans all things according to his perfect purpose. I have always known in my heart that only God can know all things and that mankind was never designed to understand all the mysteries of the universe.

God created us a unique, intelligent, and creative beings. When we allow our Lord to come into our lives, He uses us to bring light into a dark world. He fills us with hope and compassion that is so powerful, that we cannot stop it from outpouring and touching the lives of the people all around us. Each of our subjective truths are powerful and valuable to the Lord's work in this dying world.

How could I ever bring myself to take the subjective truth of one man as the objective truth. One man could never know all the mysteries of the universe. Where there is no subjectivity, there is only darkness.
New Beginnings, keep writing! It will help your mind and heart become clear. And free.

Read John chapter 10, it is the story of the Shepherd laying down His life for His sheep, that they might be free. The LC system, in principle, is little different from that of the Pharisees of old, which held God's people in a temporary "prison" until they heard the voice of their Shepherd.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
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