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Old 12-29-2015, 09:43 AM   #2
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Default Re: LC Raised Child - Spiritual warfare in household (Help!)

Welcome ByHisGrace to the forum!

I read with sorrow the difficult predicament you are in. I encourage you to love your family, remembering all the good things about them, while focusing on following Jesus the Lord and His word. It is probably impossible for a child to convince her parents that they are wrong, I know because I tried to do the same thing 40 years ago when I first met with the LC's. Tragically my Mom died suddenly while we were still somewhat in conflict over teachings emphasized by Lee. For years I have lived with those regrets.

The LC teaches that their church supersedes family, and that one must choose the LC over one's own children. They twist the scripture to arrive at this conclusion. I encourage you to love them, and focus on Jesus and the Bible, and try to remain above all the petty conflicts. Ask your boyfriend not to stir up your anger towards your family in the LC by giving you all the bad news about their church. Remember they do love the Lord, and they helped you to love the Lord. You must be most grateful for them! How much better than being a Buddhist or a Mooslem?

Please read scriptures like Romans 14 and I Corinthians chapters 1-3, which teach you to accept other Christians who practice differently than you do. These same conflicts existed in the early church over celebrating holidays, and following different ministers. The Bible teaches us to love one another even when they have different teachings and practices.

All this is possible ByHisGrace! The Lord bless you and keep you!
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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