Re: I'm a student in the FTT - AMA
All (and to AMA):
He/She did get piled on with a multitude of response. It would have been overwhelming.
But if it was a genuine question - a burning one - no amount of push-back would have quelched it.
I remember my initial post, which caused this forum to rain down upon me in critique (snide, sarcastic and otherwise). I didn't realize how pointed and insular my language was. I didn't realize my assumed premises. But I also didn't relinquish one single point until I owned them myself.
To date, I have had a multitude of debates and disagreements on this forum. And I have had faith-affirming relationships here. Its been years since I posted here, but I have never forgotten the value of the dialogue this forum presents. Its only "damaging" if you don't own your own faith. Otherwise, it is a sharpening stone.
Post or do not post. But do so for the sake of your faith, not your curriculum.
In Love,
I Have Finished My Course