Originally Posted by aron
- Why were women prominent in the early "recovery" movement, but now they can't even give a message in church on Sunday morning? Ruth Lee, Peace Wang, etc etc; there were dozens functioning alongside WN. Ironically, one hundred years ago, women couldn't vote or hold public office, but could function in WN's "Little Flock" movement. Today women can run for President but can't speak on Sunday morning? What got recovered, here?
One of today's leading ones, RK, once told us that he thought the only thing worse than a rebellious brother was a spiritual sister. Do you think he'd be able to say that in front of M.E. Barber, who'd shepherded Watchman Nee? Or to Miss Groves, a missionary co-worker of Barber? Or to Ruth Lee, or Peace Wang, or Dora Yu? I doubt it. I think there is some serious disconnect here.